Monday, August 16, 2010

A prayer

I sat and read. I tend to do that quite often at Starbucks, only because the chairs are a bit too high for the low tables at Coffee Bean. I went in today, to finish the book of Daniel, and re-read A.W. Tozer's Knowledge of the Holy. I had read chapters 1-7 of Daniel the day before and was inspired, but today, I struggled to see through the theological debates of the prophecy filling the last few chapters. I ended Daniel in frustration and went on to reading Tozer.

A quote from the preface of the book reads in part: "...we shall think because we believe, not in order that we may believe."
There have been other great authors that have written similar wisdom.
C.S. Lewis said "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."

When I read scripture, it is hard to look at the world and perceive it in the same way as I did before. There are times when I read and fall face down in awe of a God that loves me still. There are times when I read and have to consult numerous scholars to understand the grandeur of words I have just read. Then there are the times when as I read, I look up to see the people standing in line, sitting and chatting, studying textbooks. Do they know the that the Kingdom is at hand? Are they seeking it? These questions will be answered and I shall aid as a tutor.

I don't want to see the world as I see it, but see it as he who died setting it to rights. I am adopting a paradigm that is so foreign, yet echoes within all I experience.

I pray that when you open your eyes, the words of Matthew 6:33 are the lens you see through. I pray as you hear the alarm clock rudely awake you to start your day, that Matthew 6:33 echoes between your ears. I pray that as you roll from your warm nook under your sheets that your feel Matthew 6:33 take shape in your hands. I pray as you break bread throughout the day, that you remember him broken for you. I pray that as you hear the noise of existence, you hear the echo of his words telling us what this life is all about.