Friday, September 17, 2010


He stood elevated above the gathered crowd. Not for the appearance of authority, but for the mere practical reason of allowing his voice to be heard at a greater distance. He was speaking of an event that had just taken place. An event that to this every day effects us all.

There once was a building, built with great care and precision. The architect not only designed the layout, but also how it was to be decorated. Within the inner-most room was the intersection of heaven and earth. There the presence of the divine being dwelt, behind a vale that was not to be breached but once a year.

A little more than a month before he stood talking this crowd, there had been an earthquake. And while earthquakes cause foundations to be tested, this quake broke the very foundation of that inner-most room. The vale had been torn in two, from top to bottom.

He stood elevated above the gathered crowd, speaking of how his paradigm had changed. The intersection of heaven and earth was no longer contained behind a vale in the Temple. It was now freely accessible to all who sought it. As he ended his rooftop speech, he asked "what then shall we do?" He knew that this event required action to be taken.

The intersection of heaven and earth exists. Those who are an intersection of heaven and earth our paradigm has changed and we need to answer Peters question of "what then shall we do?"

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Gethsemane

The piece of concrete is just large enough to sit on as it tries hard not to slide down the Huntington Beach cliffs. It has been blocked off for years by weathered railing that guards the bike trail from the forty foot drop to the sand. It is a place I use to frequent at times such as these. Many times lately, I've pondered making the drive out to that very rock. The lifeguards never seemed to care much at all that I sat staring out at the relentless waves roaring as they rolled toward the shore. I would just sit, listening to the wind blow up the cliffs and drown all the other sounds out. A place where I would be quick to listen and slow to speak.
There is something about having a spot like that. A spot where I could rest in the shadow of his wing. A spot where there is a stillness. A spot that no one knows to look for me except him. It is my Gethsemane.
Find your Matthew 6:6 spot.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Construction Begins

Walking through a construction site there is an echo of a voice calling to everyone. There are a half dozen guys standing around framing houses with an uncanny expertise of the hammer. Just a few houses down, concrete is being poured with such speed and precision. The finish guys are making a mess in the houses, but adding the details to call it a finished house after the final sweep is made. The smell of dirt kicked up from the machinery mixes with the potent odor of fresh paint. Hands are at work building something and that is what His paradigm is about.

The voice heard as an echo is calling you and me both to start building. We need not have the mastery of swinging a hammer. We need not know how to set up the electric panel to power our project. The foundation has already been poured, the houses already erected.

The voice announced many years ago that this kingdom was near. He started the construction, He finished the construction and left it to you and me to invite people to come and live in it.

He talked about that kingdom being available to us here, right now. It's the voice that echo's within the hearts of us all as we see things being built. I hear that echo everyday and say in response the words of Isaiah, "Here am I"