Monday, July 26, 2010

Stare into the fire

Stare into the fire.
The smoke from the fire catches the breeze and blows a billow into his face. He blinks hard as the burn causes them to tear up. He reopens them and see that the wind has blown the smoke off in the other direction. Out in the middle of the desert, the stars shine down in a majestic way. He escapes out to the refuge of the desert once or twice a year to sit below these stars. There is not much to do for the average person, but he enjoys climbing the rocks that seem too perfectly placed for any other purpose. Once his hands are raw from the coarse granite, the desert wild flowers are something to be amazed by each spring when they avail themselves for a few short weeks. Even sitting there long after the sun as descended below the horizon when the coyotes howl off in the distance, the crickets playing their melody all around you, but nowhere to be seen, there is enjoyment.
This is it. A place that has an uncanny feel to it. It may not be what it has, but maybe what it lacks that allows an undeniable voice to be heard as more than an echo.

I cannot describe how beautiful you are. Out here when there are no phones to answer, no people to distract, no business to attend to, I can sit and marvel at the crickets melody. Are they crying out to praise you? Do the rocks I stand on top of, moan for your glory? I sit here in awe of you.
If I only allowed myself to live your message it would be a different world. Break my paradigm and replace it with yours. Here I am, use me to live out the life you've given. Give me the strength to rise, the courage to stand, the humbleness to remember where it came from.
I have fallen short of what you want for me, but yet you still encourage me to follow. I am trying to see myself as you see me, I am trying to see others as you see them.
Your paradigm is becoming mine.

The words screamed but not heard by the ear. No, these words need not be spoken for any to hear. A tear wells up in the corner of my eye, not from the smoke changing direction, but from my heart changing form. I keep staring into the fire and see more than just the wood is being consumed.

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