Monday, October 18, 2010

a day at work

We had already loaded the truck with the materials we needed to spend the day working on the houses. The tools rattled around as the truck made its way down the freeway. It took about a half hour or so to get to the job site. We spoke of the beautiful sunrise as it fought to rise above the mountains in the east. The clouds were being painted a spectrum of pastel colors as it rose to push the darkness away.

Once at the job site we surveyed the houses and then started laying out the material to get ready for our day of work. Conversation ended at that point. I had put in my ear plugs as did my boss to guard our ears from the loud sounds that construction sites make. Hours passed and we made our way though each house and on to the next one. We hadn't spoken much at all during the course of the day. He was busy working on his tasks and I at mine. As we finished up and started loading the truck, I smiled at the realization that my day working with my boss is much like my relationship with the God of this universe.

I may not spend the entire day in conversation with him, but I know he was right there working on the same goal. The days that are spend in constant conversation with God are awesome, but even the days that are not, seem to be just as amazing as we are working toward building his kingdom. I know his paradigm is becoming mine. It is promised so in Philippians 1:6.